Why participating to Re:ERUA working groups as a researcher?

person in blue shirt writing on white paper

Different work packages are launched to foster new collaborations between our universities. You may be interested in joining the adventure of our alliance :

  • To share good practices and promote innovative and responsible research
  • To develop a network for transnational research
  • To propose the training programs, you need to back your research projects
  • To contribute to the vision of what is or should be a reform university, answering these question
    • How is the creation of critical knowledge part of reform universities today?
    • What role do different stakeholders (inside and outside the universities) play in the creation of knowledge?
    • How are the different understandings of scientific knowledge  enacted in the collaborative projects and what are the implications regarding the scientific outcome?
    • How do different interests impact collaborative research processes?
    • What are the limitations in existing ways of engaging with society in university collaboration projects?
    • What kinds of (societal or institutional) change are reform university collaborations aiming for?


If you want to learn more or you are interested to collaborate, please send an e-mail to the Re-ERUA contact person in your university:

For Paris 8 : Claire Douet – claire.douet02@univ-paris8.fr

For Roskilde – Katia Dupret – katia@ruc.dk

For Konstanz – Livia GERTIS – livia.gertis@uni-konstanz.de

For AEGEAN – Eirini PAPADOPOULOU – epapado@aegean.gr

For NBU – Dimitar Trendafilov – dtrendafilov@nbu.bg

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them