Bambara Copular Sentences


3rd to 5th July 2023






Bachelor, Master



A multi-copular language is a language that possesses more than one copular. The multi-copular languages we know hitherto have two copulas: (Spanish: ser/estar), (Irish:bì/is). Mono-copular languages exist too: (French: être), (English: be). When it come to Bambara, there are four copulatives elements: dòn, bɛ́  yé, ká. Each form requires a specific usage.

In order to understand the use of these elements, we are going to present:

The Bambara language (geography, syntax, demography…)

The definition of a copula in the literature

  1. The different copulative elements in Bambara and their specifics
  2. The verbal particles or predicative markers in Bambara (how are they different from copulas)
  3. The typology of copulative sentences according to Higgins (1973)
  4. The Bambara copulative sentences according to this typology.

At the end of this course, students may be able to distinguish between a copula and a verbal particle in Bambara, become aware of the different contexts of their usage and justify why Bambara is said to be a multi-copular language. At the end of the course, students will be asked to produce an article analysis.

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