Architectural Photography

The online course aims at gaining specialized knowledge and professional skills in shooting architectural photography, as well as creating a corpus of photographic work on the campuses of ERUA.

The theoretical work in the course of architectural photography comprises usage of proper equipment, settings of the camera and lens, preparation for the session, rules of composition as lines and perspective, shapes and patterns, usage of light sources to create space and clean appearance, shooting HDR and postproduction with editing software. Students will employ this knowledge in creative way to put emphasis on the unique features of constructed spaces and highlight particular details. The curriculum will include historical overview of significant architectural photographers and comprehensive analysis of specificities of their work. Ultimately, the course will arrive to photography of educational buildings and prompt students to create visual narratives on exterior and interior design and activity-defined places.

After achieving the basic level of theoretical knowledge and while advancing their studies, students will explore the campus of their university. They will be engaged in creating photographic series on exterior and interior design by using their equipment in a proper way, following the compositional rules, proper usage of light and moreover, seeking to capture the uniqueness of each space. During the classes their work will be discussed, so they could reshoot some photographs finding the ideal view point and light conditions, and improve their photographs in the stage of postproduction.

The final product of the course will be multiple individual projects capturing the architecture of the campuses of ERUA, which could be displayed online or shown in an exhibition.

Prerequisites: The course is eligible for students enrolled in BA and MA programs on Photography, Visual Arts, Architecture and Design. 

Mandatory technical equipment and software:
– DSLR Camera
– Image editing software: Adobe Photoshop or Whiteroom

Recommended technical equipment: 
– Wide-angle Lenses
– Tilt-shirt Lenses
– Tripod
black DSLR camera floating over man's hand at the woods
Discipline: Photography
Period: October 2023 – January 2024
Format: Online
Number of ERUA Students: 20
Number of ETCS: 1
Language: English
Student Level: Bachelor, Masters and PhD Students
Application Deadline: 10/09/2023