Ecologie des pratiques critiques: Memorized sound by Luke Fowler

Luke Fowler is a Scottish artist, filmmaker and musician born in 1978. From archives, he has developed a singular and collaborative practice, poetic and political, structural and documentary, but above all deeply human. With an emphasis on community practices, heterodox thinkers and the history of the left, his 16mm films tell the story of alternative […]
Digital management

The course digital business management presents to students an interdisciplinary problem – that of digital management. Digital business management is associated with the use and creation of software (ICT field), management theory and practice (Business Administration), means, styles and models of communication (Mass communications), types of intelligence – emotional, social, mechanical / instrumental (Cognitive psychology). […]
Civilization and religion

More than 10,000 years have passed since the first human civilizations appeared. For the first religious cults, this distance is even greater – perhaps 50,000 years or even more. Almost everything we touch in our daily lives is related to civilization and religion, often not with one specific, but with a special mixture of several. […]
Talent Management and Employer Branding

The aim of this course is to provide a perspective for understanding the basic concepts and the concepts of talent management, Students will understand the operation of market laws in the labor market, the marketing approach in the management and development of human resources. They will learn how to develop technology marketing strategies for the […]
Structural and Corpus Linguistics

Corpus linguistics is a methodology that involves computer-based empirical analyses (both quantitative and qualitative) of language use by employing large, electronically available collections of naturally occurring spoken and written texts, so-called corpora. Corpus-based studies and other empirical research have shown that speakers’ intuitions oftentimes provide only limited access to the open-ended nature of language, which […]
Political Anthropology: Power, Ritual and Group

This course examines politics and power through an anthropological perspective Duration: 2 days, 3 academic hours each day
Leadership Behavior

The aim of the course is for students to acquire in-depth knowledge of – and master the basic skills related to – exercising leadership in various situations. Additional Information: Link Duration: 2 days, 3 academic hours each day
E-textile et pratiques artistiques numériques

This workshop-laboratory offers an introduction to the basics of textile creation and electronics, and training in e-textile and associated technologies, by creating an artistic object for a public exhibition. Its objective is to discover an emerging field that falls within the field of digital humanities. The smart textile here becomes a sensor (of pollution level, […]
Zoopoétiques & écoféminismes & textes et pensées

Depuis plusieurs années des écrivain.e.s et des philosophes féministes, ont fait apparaître la nécessité et l’urgence de repenser l’horizon des relations entre l’humain, l’animal, le vivant, au-delà de l’anthropocentrisme et des hiérarchies humain-non humain. Si le terme écoféministe a commencé à circuler depuis les années 70 (inventé par Françoise D’Eaubonne en 1974), les philosophes de […]
Customs & Business Case Studies

This course is part of the Master in International Trade Management degree. It will focus on the airport industry, in partnership with the Alliance Charles de Gaulles.