Alternative photographic techniques

black DSLR camera floating over man's hand at the woods

Not only does this intensive course in alternative photographic technique introduce students to basic printing processes, it also aims to create a large corpus of photographic work. The processes discussed are at the core of the so-called renaissance of old photographic techniques: cyanotype and gum bichromate. They are chemically safe and allow large format printing […]

International PR Summer School​

Honor smartphone beside mug and paper with pen

This is the 24th PR Summer School at New Bulgarian University in Sofia. This year’s PR Summer School’s theme is “The battle for your mind.” The Summer School gives a great opportunity to young students to meet, learn and discuss with researchers and professionals about topical themes and methodologies within this interdisciplinary area of research. […]

Summer school of anthropology: “Cultural heritages – how we interpret the past” New bulgarian University and The Rousse Regional Historical Museum

The aim of the summer school is to draw attention to cultural heritages, which show a variety of interpretations of the past – historical past, cultural landscapes, cultural technologies, cultural interactions and lordship relations. The chosen region represents diffrent places of coexistence that share and differ in cultural exchanges and cultural differences. The summer school […]

Power, Subject and Agency (INT-17570)

depth of field photography of man playing chess

Day 1: Critical Psychology – A subject-scientific approach to Psychology! In this course, students will have the possibility to engage with the concept of Critical Psychology. The relationship between the subject of knowledge (the scientific researcher) and the object of knowledge (the object studied) will be discussed. Therefore, the nomothetic versus interpretive character of the […]

What went wrong? Dominant ideas since the erection of the Berlin Wall

vandalism on wall

Having overcome the destruction of the Second World War, by the early 1960s the world seemed set on a course to ever greater freedom (political and personal), affluence and solidarity. As the Berlin Wall came up in 1962, half the world remained behind it. But even there, greater freedom and a better life for all […]

Prevention and Investigation of Financial Crimes: AML & CTF

Masterclass/workshop on practical aspects of AML/CTF in relation to prevention and investigation of possible financial and economic crimes. Several aspects of AML/CTF within the context of their typology as financial crimes are going to be discussed. Some AML/CTF typologies based on practical cases would be analyzed. Some conclusions and recommendations to practice are going to […]

Critical Thinking and Argumentation

woman in stripe shirt covering her mouth with her hand

The course introduces the main concepts and tools of critical thinking. The goal of the course is to offer basic understanding of contemporary views on the structure and scope of critical thinking and argumentation and the ways of their implementation in discussions and texts. It focuses on the problems of logical analysis and its application […]

Developmental Psychopathology – Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD – theory and practice ​

blue green yellow and red plastic toy

The course will offer an introduction to the biological foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD – clinical features, assessment methods and research.  The signs and symptoms in the dynamics of the disorders will be presented from a neurobiological perspective and in the context of genetics, neuroimaging, neurochemistry, and disease biomarkers. Examples of tests and […]

Basics of Artificial Intelligence​

blue and black ball on blue and white checkered textile

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Course type: Intensive course   What is artificial intelligence and what can it do today? What are the technical basics and what effects does artificial intelligence have on work and society? The seminar looks at the technical and methodological foundations of artificial intelligence, gives an overview of today’s fields […]

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