Subject module course 3: Developmental, Personality and Social Psychology

person holding round glass ball

The course provides a thematic overview to three main areas of psychology: developmental psychology, personality social psychology. The course introduces theoretical and methodological issues associated with these areas and relation to particular social contexts. As part of the overall social psychological perspective, the course will explore social science perspectives where concepts such as ‘community’, ‘inclusion- […]

International Communication

blue and white globe with blue plastic frame

Organizational unit: Centre for Transferable Skills Background Today’s working world has become diverse in terms of colleagues and clients. Although quite exciting, interaction in increasingly diverse environments can also be quite challenging in terms of working style, differing values and attitudes towards, and communication in a lingua franca that is not one’s own language. In […]

Gender Binaries and Linguistic Practices

comfort room signage

Organizational unit: Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies The course is about the study of the relationship between language and society. It would highlight the various functions that a language performs in a society which results in disparity of genders. Therefore, this course aims at exploring the role of gender as a sociolinguistic variable […]

Age and Gender Partialities Based on Socialinguistic Practices

group of person walking on road

Organizational unit: International Office The seminar is about the study of the relationship between language and society. It aims to discuss that the use of languages in the societies are governed by gender, age, class, race etc. Therefore, these factors play an important part in maintaining social roles and creating power structures in a society. […]

Contemporary Dance – Improvisation and Choreography

women's black shirt lot

Organizational unit: International Office Do you love movement and dance? Do you want to experience dance and not only watch it? Then this will be a workshop for you. Let´s experience movements through imagery, fantasies and tasks. We will do a nice warm up, learn some techniques and possibly create a short choreography based on […]

The Balkan Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity

The study of the material culture of the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity requires an interdisciplinary approach, encompassing a series of humanities and social sciences. The course aims to present the archaeological evidence on a series of topics related with historical processes in Late Antiquity. We tackle topics such as the sphere […]

Impasto and abstract painting for Everyone

white, yellow, and red abstract painting

In this intensive course students will be introduced in the world of fine art and painting. Impasto painting and abstract painting are very well known styles that are easy to achieve with the proper technique for the particular task. We will discuss the role of brush strokes, palette knife strokes and the material aspect of […]

European political models

blue flag on pole near building

The course considers the foundations, the establishment and the typology of the political regimes in the Europe in geopolitical prospect (which includes the comparison between the main geopolitical regions of the continent: Western Europe, Central-Eastern Europe, Balkan Europe, Post-Soviet Europe, Southern Europe, Nordic world etc.). The course gives essential knowledge on the geopolitical characteristic of […]

Food Microbiology

bowl of vegetable salads

Lectures plan: 1. EU Standards for food quality control 2. Microbiology of meat and meat products 3. Microbiology of milk and milk products 4. Microbiology of fruits and vegetables 5. Microbiology of fish and seafood 6. Test 1 7. Microbiology of eggs 8. Microbiology of chocolate 9. Microbiology of beverages 10. 10) Microbiology of bread […]

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