Having Students’ Voices Heard!

ERUA student – Vanina Ninova took part in a high-level policy dialogue with the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.




In April 2024, Vanina Ninova, an ERUA student from New Bulgarian University and an Alumni of the European Student Assembly, participated together with 14 more young people from across Europe in a high-level policy dialogue with Iiana Ivanova, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

Among the main topics discussed during the policy dialogue were the European degree, learning mobility and youth participation in the 2024 European elections. The participants in the dialogue were provided with the opportunity to share their ideas, insights, proposals, and recommendations on the main topics during 2 hours of exchanges. The event which took place in the context of the European Youth Week 2024 was opened by Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Director-General DG EAC, and was moderated by the EU Youth Coordinator Biliana Sirakova.



Through the policy dialogue the European Commission provided different youth stakeholders in the field of education and youth representing organizations such as ESA, ESU, ESN, EYF, Marie Curie Alumni Association, and others with a high level platform for voicing their perspectives and for engaging in EU policy making on the topics of the European degree, learning mobility which are crucial for the achievement of a resilient and inclusive European Education Area.

You can watch the recording of the policy dialogue on the website of the Streaming Service of the European Commission: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/policy-dialogue-cabinet-ivanova-24-04-19



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