ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Open Educational Resources within the ERUA Open Science Ambassador Programme: A Best Practice Example

On May 23rd, between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Open Educational Resources within the ERUA Open Science Ambassador Programme: A Best Practice Example

In order for Open Science to become the standard in research, raising awareness about its advantages and spreading expertise about successful Open Science practices is of paramount importance. To achieve this aim, a range of ERUA researchers have recently taken up their role as ERUA Open Science Ambassadors. As such, they act as Open Science contact persons and promote Open Science among their peers. One area of Open Science which typically raises questions are Open Educational Resources (OER), (self-)teaching materials which everyone can access and re-use for free on the internet. OER are playing a more and more crucial role in education; yet, many researchers and lecturers are insecure about how to successfully develop and publish them. In this meet-up, Dr. Sonja Kralj, coordinator of the Re:ERUA project at the University of Konstanz, will first outline the general concept behind the ERUA Open Science Ambassador Programme. Then, the University of Konstanz’ Open Science ambassador, Dr. Gillian Kiliani, describes her involvement in the programme by sharing her story of how she developed and published her highly successful collection of physical experiments. After the talks, everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and to share thoughts, experiences and ideas. Members from and beyond ERUA are welcome. No registration required.


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