UP8 Funding for collaborative Research Project or Scientific events within ERUA

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UParis8 offer funding for collaborative Research Project or Scientific events.

The ERUA label allows to invite researchers within ERUA (RUC, UKON, UEAGEAN and NBU) and from the new partners (ULPGC, Viadrina, UniMC, SWPS) to participate in research projects.

– AAP Scientific event (Recherche, manifestation scientifique) with ERUA Label: 10000€

– AAP Collaborative project on a European and international scale ( Amorçage de projet collaboratif à l’échelle européenne et internationale) : 11000€.

Co-financing with the partner university(ies) is encouraged.

To obtain the ERUA Label: the coordinator must be permanent academic staff from UParis8. The coordinator will apply and should contact Claire DOUET, ReERUA administrative coordinator, claire.douet02@univ-paris8.fr before the application deadline. You can also use this contact to have more information or to enter in contact with UParis8 researchers.


You can find the list of Research Unit and thematics : https://www.univ-paris8.fr/IMG/pdf/erua_mapping_research_unit.pdf

More information and application form on UP8 website (Information in French only) : https://www.univ-paris8.fr/-Appel-a-projets-Paris-8-

The deadline for submission is January 4, 2023 at 5pm CET.

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