Workshop: The History and Legacy of Reform: Changing Promises and Realities of Higher Education

From the 5th to the 7th of May, members of the ERUA WP2 research group and other interested parties came together in Konstanz for their second research group workshop on “The History and Legacy of Reform: Changing Promises and Realities of Higher Education”.  Under the coordination of Anne Kwaschik (University of Konstanz), the workshop explored both the existing and the plausible future alternatives to Higher Education. The workshop was launched by the keynote lecture “Semper Reformanda: Reform and the University Through History” given by William Whyte from the University of Oxford. Over three days, the research group members and external guests engaged in a fruitful exchange over the scope and impact of Higher Education and the transformation of Higher Education by new forms of funding, evaluation, and organization.

The complete report can be found here:

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