ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Research Data Management and Open Science

On February 22nd, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Research Data Management and Open Science The most well-known pillars of Open Science are probably Open Access to publications and the FAIR principles to research data. But applying the FAIR principles can’t be […]
ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Digital methods for citation analysis

On January 26 between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Digital methods for citation analysis. In this Open Science Meet-Up, Dr. Marie Revellio (Department of Latin Studies, University of Konstanz) will present how she (further) developed and evaluated digital procedures for citation analysis as part of […]

The ERUA Team Konstanz is setting up a CRITICAL THINKING module. Who has ideas and wants to get involved? We are looking for administrative as well as academic staff members from all over ERUA! Critical thinking is one of the many aspects that unites us as ERUA universities. Here in Konstanz, an ERUA module has […]
Multilingualism: In Tandem Programs We Believe!

The Paris 8 Language Center (CDL) and UKON’s Language Institute (SLI) have been actively collaborating this year to set up a tandem program so that P8 students in the Master of Humanities program can enhance their learning of English as a second language and French for students at UKON University. Since the UKON team has […]
Joint Executive Committee

On April 04 and 05, 2022, a physical meeting of ERUA and RE-ERUA Executive Committee members was held at the Université Paris 8. It was the occasion of a much awaited first face-to-face meeting since the beginning of the initiative in November 2020 ! These meetings allowed to collectively address several crucial questions, notably regarding […]
Meet Amber. Read what our ERUA student representative has to say about her ESA experience

Amber Mun, ERUA, Université Paris 8 The European Student Assembly, an opportunity for counter-isolation Following the prolonged isolation entailed by the pandemic and in the midst of the ongoing violence in Ukraine, the timing of the inaugural session of the European Student Assembly could not have been more prescient as a moment of collective reflection […]
Staff exchange week

Staff exchange week – May 11-13, online The ERUA is committed to the principle of open access and open data in education and research. The staff from the 5 ERUA libraries will learn from one another during the event and will exchange good practices in the field of open educational resources, open science and open […]
Keynote lecture “Semper Reformanda: Reform and the University Through History”

Keynote lecture “Semper Reformanda: Reform and the University Through History” (William Whyte, Oxford University), Thursday, May 5, 2022, 17-18.30 (CET), University of Konstanz Universities are perpetually in need of reform. That, at least, is the conclusion many scholars seem to have reached. Successive studies show universities through history either reforming or failing to reform. What […]
The History and Legacy of Reform: Changing Promises and Realities of Higher Education

The ERUA research group is inviting to its second workshop: “The History and Legacy of Reform: Changing Promises and Realities of Higher Education”, held in Konstanz May 5-7, 2022, Workshop “The History and Legacy of Reform: Changing Promises and Realities of Higher Education” This is the second instalment of a workshop series, organized by the […]
Meet Kathrin. Read what our ERUA student representative has to say about her ESA experience

Where do we want Europe to go in the next decades? What is important to us as young people? How does our democracy and society need to change to appropriately face challenges of the present and the future? These and many more questions made up the core of the European Students Assembly on the 3rd […]