The Collaboration Made Students Not Only Interact But Also Think of Ways to Act

The ERUA Traveling seminar “How do students and citizens organize solidary action to create sustainable futures?” was held on 30.11 – 2.12.2022 at the NBU. Bringing together over 35 students from the Masters’ programs in Social entrepreneurship, Global Studies and Social design and social care at Roskilde University, the Bachelors’ and Masters’ programs in Finance, […]
Innovation and Reform in the Spirit of ERUA

The Second ERUA annual summit was held under the topic: Innovation and reform in the spirit of ERUA. From November 7th to 9th, 2022, the spirit of Innovation and Reform of the ERUA found its place at the University of Paris 8. The five universities’ working teams welcomed the ERUA’s new associate members. Within […]
11th ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Christmas: Recap, Outlook and Christmas Game

Eleventh ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on December 15th the topic is: Christmas: Recap, Outlook and Christmas Game On December 15th between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the 11th ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Christmas: Recap, Outlook and Christmas Game Christmas is almost upon us! Just the […]
UP8 Funding for collaborative Research Project or Scientific events within ERUA

UParis8 offer funding for collaborative Research Project or Scientific events. The ERUA label allows to invite researchers within ERUA (RUC, UKON, UEAGEAN and NBU) and from the new partners (ULPGC, Viadrina, UniMC, SWPS) to participate in research projects. – AAP Scientific event (Recherche, manifestation scientifique) with ERUA Label: 10000€ – AAP Collaborative project on a […]

The ERUA Team Konstanz is setting up a CRITICAL THINKING module. Who has ideas and wants to get involved? We are looking for administrative as well as academic staff members from all over ERUA! Critical thinking is one of the many aspects that unites us as ERUA universities. Here in Konstanz, an ERUA module has […]
Tenth ERUA Open Science Meet-Up

On November 24 between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the 10th ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Repositories. Repositories are among the most important building blocks of Open Science. As storage services for digital objects like research data or journal articles, they are indispensable when it comes to publishing, (self-)archiving […]
The Mediterranean Platform

The Mediterranean Platform brings together all the cultural study research activities on the Mediterranean at the University of Konstanz. Our regular colloqium serves to discuss new and ongoing MA, PhD and postdoctoral research projects on Mediterranean Studies across the ages and disciplines. Interested persons are invited to join the colloquium at the University of Konstanz, […]
Invitation to ERUA Early Career Workshop “Interdisciplinary research and engaging non-academic sectors”

Time and dates: • 5 December 10 AM-5 PM • 6 December 10 AM-5 PM Place: The workshop will be developed as a hybrid event allowing participants to either participate via zoom or on location at Roskilde University. We hope that as many participants as possible will participate on location to facilitate discussion and networking activities. […]
#ERUAiDeaThon 2022

In the ERUA Alliance, as Reform Universities we continuously question and transform our institutions, by drawing upon the diverse experiences and backgrounds of the university community, which embody the diversity of the society around us and encourage and allow all to participate, in shaping the future of the university. The 2nd ERUA Summit “Innovation and […]
2nd Open call – Funding for two collaborative experiments : Research – external stakeholder collaboration

As part of our work in Re:ERUA we investigate research and innovation from the perspective of participatory and inclusive societal engagement. We explore fellow researchers’ ideas and practices within collaborative research projects. We are encouraging that you and at least one other partner in the alliance go together and show us what you do in terms of collaborating with external stakeholder/civil society. […]