Call for Expression of Interest: ERUA Social Engagement Project

Service learning (SL) is an innovative form of pedagogy that combines the learning objectives of university courses with local community service to enhance students’ personal and professional growth and the common good. The main themes of service learning are oriented towards civic engagement, entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in sustainable development. The theme of the ERUA joint service […]
Subject module course 4 – Workshop in Planned Subject Specific Communication: track: Digital Media and Video

Each semester, subject module course 4 is offered, consisting of a number of different media workshops, which the student can choose between. The workshops involve work with production forms and methods within a delimited area of the media. The student works both theoretically and practically with the relevant media area, including completing a small production. […]
Subject module course 3 – Print Media

Each semester, subject module course 4 is offered, consisting of a number of different media workshops, which the student can choose between. The workshops involve work with production forms and methods within a delimited area of the media. The student works both theoretically and practically with the relevant media area, including completing a small production. […]
Subject module course 2 – Participants, Processes and Contexts

The subject module course will provide students with basic insights into different forms of communication, in relation to relevant participants, contexts, and processes. Emphasis will be placed on introducing theories and methodologies in relation to target group analysis and reception analysis and on the processing and analysis of empirical material in connection with communication and […]
Subject module course 3: Developmental, Personality and Social Psychology

The course provides a thematic overview to three main areas of psychology: developmental psychology, personality social psychology. The course introduces theoretical and methodological issues associated with these areas and relation to particular social contexts. As part of the overall social psychological perspective, the course will explore social science perspectives where concepts such as ‘community’, ‘inclusion- […]
Subject module course 2: Cultural and social dimensions of psychology – theoretical perspectives and themes

Psychology is a broad discipline engaging with knowledge and methods from across the natural, humanistic and social science traditions. The particular emphasis in this course is on a social psychological perspective where the social and cultural world is internally connected with the formation of human life. As such, the theoretical perspectives presented in the course […]
Call for Application: Advertising Academy @ NBU

Advertising Academy is a tripartite project of New Bulgarian University, the Bulgarian Association of Advertisers and the Bulgarian Association of Communication Agencies with participation of more than 300 students (both bachelor and master level) who work in teams under the mentorship of representatives of advertisers and advertising agencies from over 50 brands from Bulgaria and […]
The Second European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Summit

On November 7, 8 and 9, 2022, the Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis hosted the second European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Summit, which brought together approximately 150 participants from France, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy and Spain. This was the first time since the project started in November 2020 that the ERUA community had the […]
The Collaboration Made Students Not Only Interact But Also Think of Ways to Act

The ERUA Traveling seminar “How do students and citizens organize solidary action to create sustainable futures?” was held on 30.11 – 2.12.2022 at the NBU. Bringing together over 35 students from the Masters’ programs in Social entrepreneurship, Global Studies and Social design and social care at Roskilde University, the Bachelors’ and Masters’ programs in Finance, […]
Innovation and Reform in the Spirit of ERUA

The Second ERUA annual summit was held under the topic: Innovation and reform in the spirit of ERUA. From November 7th to 9th, 2022, the spirit of Innovation and Reform of the ERUA found its place at the University of Paris 8. The five universities’ working teams welcomed the ERUA’s new associate members. Within […]