ERUA Teaching Exchanges

woman in blue tank top standing beside white wall

The “European Reform University Alliance” (ERUA), funded by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ European Universities Initiative, was launched on November 1st, 2020 The project partners are the University of Paris 8 (France), which is the coordinator of the alliance, the University of Konstanz (Germany), the University of the Aegean (Greece), the University […]

Call for Lecturers

human hand holding plasma ball

Join the ERUA Summer School 2023 as a lecturer at the University of Konstanz Build international networks Gain teaching experience! Share your research! The ERUA Summer School “Innovation & Social Engagement for Europe” is designed for 50-80 Bachelor students of all fields who seek to discuss current challenges of the European society and further learn […]

Business language in Spanish

two people sitting during day

The course aims to improve students’ business Spanish, knowledge and fluency in various professional situations. To achieve this, we will offer synthetic subjects, texts, MCQs as well as exercises in order to help students communicate in Spanish in a professional context both in writing and orally, as well as to learn about the work environment, […]

International trade relations in Spanish

person using phone and laptop computer

In this course, students will work on their language skills (oral and written expression + oral and written comprehension) in order to achieve a good oral and written command of Spanish. In addition to linguistic knowledge and skills, students will acquire a solid understanding and deciphering of international trade relations. To achieve this, we will […]

ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Digital methods for citation analysis

On January 26 between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Digital methods for citation analysis. In this Open Science Meet-Up, Dr. Marie Revellio (Department of Latin Studies, University of Konstanz) will present how she (further) developed and evaluated digital procedures for citation analysis as part of […]

Advertising Academy @ NBU

Advertising Academy is a tripartite project of New Bulgarian University, the Bulgarian Association of Advertisers and the Bulgarian Association of Communication Agencies with participation of more than 300 students (both bachelor and master level) who work in teams under the mentorship of representatives of advertisers and advertising agencies from over 50 brands from Bulgaria and […]

Call for Expression of Interest: ERUA Social Engagement Project

people eating inside of cafeteria during daytime

Service learning (SL) is an innovative form of pedagogy that combines the learning objectives of university courses with local community service to enhance students’ personal and professional growth and the common good. The main themes of service learning are oriented towards civic engagement, entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in sustainable development. The theme of the ERUA joint service […]

Subject module course 3 – Print Media

printing machine

Each semester, subject module course 4 is offered, consisting of a number of different media workshops, which the student can choose between. The workshops involve work with production forms and methods within a delimited area of the media. The student works both theoretically and practically with the relevant media area, including completing a small production. […]

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