The Adriatic as a Place of (Ex)Change

Our colleagues from Zagreb, Croatia, are organizing a doctoral conference entitled “The Adriatic as a Place of (Ex)Change” that will be held in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb, November 9-11, 2023). The conference will once again give PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to 5 years since acquiring PhD) […]

2nd Digital Escape Meeting

2nd Digital Escape Meeting 24-26 May 2023, Chios island, University of the Aegean After the fruitful completion of the Digital Escape Meeting on Syros island last year, the 2nd Digital Escape Meeting has been scheduled to take place on Chios island from the 24th to the 26th of May 2023, at the premises of the […]

Exhibition: Art for Inclusion, Diversity and Identity

Exhibition: Art for Inclusion, Diversity and Identity In collaboration with CEA The 2023 Critical Edge Alliance conference was hosted by Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. The CEA’s sixth annual conference discussed the role and implementation of values in and for universities through the critical lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Inspired by this theme, the CEA and ERUA student […]

Post-Extractivist Universities of the 21st Century

people sitting on chair in front of computer

On October 26-27, 2023 at the Université Paris 8, participants in the concluding meeting of the first cycle of ERUA activities will be invited to formulate demands and suggestions fostering the transformation of our universities beyond the extractivist logic on which they remain established. We suggest to define extractivism as a mode of production (of […]

ERUA Travelling Seminar: From Konstanz to Rhodes

“Literature and Human Rights” – that was the topic of the ERUA Travelling Seminar that Sarah Seidel (University of Konstanz) and Kerstin Bönsch (Wieland Foundation) jointly organized this winter semester (2022/2023). After months of preparation, they recently travelled with more than 20 students to Greece for one week, where they worked in a transnational network […]

3rd ERUA Exiles 2.0 Seminar

3rd ERUA Exiles 2.0 Seminar, University of the Aegean, May 10-12, 2023 Following the successful collaboration between P8, RUC and the University of the Aegean within the WP2 Activity for Innovative Joint Initiatives in Teaching & Learning in 2022, Exiles 2.0 was launched in 2023, with three seminars hosted by each university, focusing once more […]

Re:ERUA, where are we now?

Now that we are halfway through the first cycle of research funding in the Alliance, it is an excellent time to look at the Re: ERUA’s activities and the challenges ahead. What are we doing?   Build research expertise and a research strategy linked with Responsible Research and Innovation, and Research engagement. A two-day joint […]

Language Festival in Paris 8

The Faculty of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University Paris 8 organized its first Language Festival on 13-15 March 2023. This showcased cultural exchanges in different languages through workshops, artistic performances and debates allowing participants to explore the diversity of uses of languages and cultures. In his welcoming address, the dean of the faculty, […]

Open Science: Basic Course

Books File on Book Shelves

Policymakers and research funders support Open Science – but what are the benefits for you as a student, researcher or teacher? This online course introduces you to the different aspects of Open Science in research and teaching. The focus is on open access publishing, research data management and sharing teaching materials as free educational resources. […]

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