ERUA is Searching for Secretary General

If you are a communicative and proactive person ready to be engaged in high-level education management in a multicultural environment, you can apply for the position of Secretary General in ERUA. Find more about the job here:

ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Virtual Research Environments (VRE)

On November 23rd, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Virtual Research Environments (VRE) One aspect of Open Science which so far attracts comparatively little attention are so-called virtual research environments (VRE). The term encompasses a range of (online) systems that help researchers collaborate – both within one […]

Join Us: 3rd #ERUAScienceCafé

Join Us: 3rd #ERUAScienceCafé | October 9, 2023 | 15:00 CET Explore #ERUABeingInclusive: Living with Difference in Urban Neighborhoods at Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Paris. This event serves as a springboard for creative discussions leading to the 2nd #ERUAHackAThon from October 17 to 19, 2023, at #Paris8 University. Create diverse teams with students, citizens, scientists, community leaders, activists, policy actors, and science enthusiasts. Challenges Await:  Uniting Neighborhoods through […]

Joint statement of the 41 Alliances

Joint statement of the 41 Alliances (as of October 2023) on a sustainable investment pathway for European Universities European Universities Alliances are fully committed to making the initiative a success in the long term European University Alliances welcome the new EU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova and the support she expressed for the European Universities’ Initiative. They […]

2nd #ERUAScienceCafé

Join us: 2nd #ERUAScienceCafé |Oct 2, 2023 | 15:00 CET Traveling light, living right! | Zero Limits, infinite possibilities Register…/tJwlf–pqjkiHdIaEAGuDA… In the world of sustainability, “Zero” isn’t just a number; it’s a mindset. Imagine a world where “Zero” represents not the absence of something, but the presence of innovation, commitment, and hope. Together, we can redefine “Zero” and write a […]

ERUA Science Cafés -“Bridging the Gap between Science and Society”

The ERUA Alliance and the University of the Aegean are hosting Science Café Webinar events, aiming to engage various audiences, including students, citizens, scientists, community leaders, activists, policy actors, and science enthusiasts. These events   are designed to serve as a starting point for engaging discussions on green mobility and waste: 1st ERUA e-Science Café, September 18, 2023 | 15:00 CET: Moving […]

Animation in Business/Business in Animation

a white origami object on a red background

Workshop organized by: Univ, of the Aegean (UAegean), AnimaSyros Agora, A. Onassis foundation, Institut Francais de Grece, ASIFA Hellas, UAegean Future Lab at Syros Businesses evolve in an animated environment operating in local, regional, and international context. It is therefore natural to adopt animation tools and techniques to visualise changing environments. Furthermore, Animation Businesses provide […]

Dancing Democracy: Migration as Co-Creation

a couple of people that are dancing on a stage

Christiane “La Mona” Seitter, flamenco dancer and dance teacher Dr. Silvana Karina Figueroa-Dreher, cultural sociologist “Nur wer sich ändert, bleibt sich treu.” (only those who change remain true to themselves – Wolf Biermann) We want to look at migration as a benefit to society, without any ifs and buts. To enjoy coming into contact with […]

Call for Participation –Early Career Researchers Workshop Exploring Pathways Beyond Academia: Non-Academic Careers for SSH and Arts after the thesis

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

The workshop aims to provide early-career researchers, primarily from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) and the arts, with valuable insights and practical guidance on how to pursue successful non-academic careers after completing their doctoral studies. By providing a platform for experienced professionals to share their journeys and expertise, and by offering tailored workshops, participants […]

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