Animation in Business/Business in Animation

Workshop organized by: Univ, of the Aegean (UAegean), AnimaSyros Agora, A. Onassis foundation, Institut Francais de Grece, ASIFA Hellas, UAegean Future Lab at Syros

Businesses evolve in an animated environment operating in local, regional, and international context. It is therefore natural to adopt animation tools and techniques to visualise changing environments. Furthermore, Animation Businesses provide useful paradigms of networked production and distribution environments that may inspire and influence modern business models at large. The Workshop Animation in Business/Business in Animation investigates Animation Business paradigms by proposing to the participants a complete learning path from education, training and research to creative production and distribution environments. After two days of initiation to the notions, concepts and practices animating business, such as the storyboard, the business model canvas, and pitching presentations, via lectures and case studies, the participants are prepared to attend Animasyros Agora, the professional event of Animasyros Festival. The first day of Agora is dedicated to Research and Development actions in Animation with a strong case study from ENSAD, the famous Arts Deco founded in Paris in 1786, while the two following days present several case studies from the Global Animation Industry, including Disney studios in their 100th anniversary celebration. The last day of Agora is dedicated to the institutional players in Greece and abroad. The presentations include highlights from the International Animation Festival and Market of Annecy and a pitching competition giving access to the professional pitches at Annecy in 2024. The Workshop will also make use of the emerging European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW) to provide seamless access to the Workshop material, with support from the European Walter Consortium.

Additional Information:

The workshop agenda as well as Animasyros Agora’s agenda may be downloaded via the following link:   

Agenda of the workshop: 


Prerequisites: Previous studies in Animation, Audiovisual Production, Arts, Design, and/or Business disciplines could facilitate attendance. No Fees are applied to attend the workshop.
a white origami object on a red background
Discipline: Animation, media, business
Period: 25-30/09/2023 
Format: Hybrid
Number of ERUA Students: 20 Physical / 20 Online
Number of ETCS: N/A
Language: English
Student Level: All education levels are accepted but students near graduation may find an immediate opening to the industry and professional life.
Application Deadline: 21.09.2023