Project Title: No particular project, innovative teaching methods

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Researcher Despina Catapoti, Lecturer in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, Aegean University Keywords: societal engagement through teaching; participatory methodologies; changing norms; co-creation Despina, who is a lecturer in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, focuses on innovative methods in teaching – participatory, dialogical and inclusive approaches. For instance, moving from traditional lectures […]

Project Title: Studielivsprojektet

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Researcher Trine Wulf-Andersen, Associate Professor, Roskilde University Keywords: participatory methods; changing norms in higher education ; inclusion; social impact; challenges of collaboration; empowerment The project focuses on the area of young people’s psychosocial problems as well as the inclusion of young people in education and employment. Trine shares that engagement with this project demonstrates the […]

The European System of Human Rights Protection – Summer course

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This Summer Course will deal in detail specifically with the European system for the protection of human rights. Although there are numerous summer courses and other special study programs within Europe on the human rights protection, this course concentrates on an integrated treatment of the various European systems and of specifically European issues of human […]

Sofia Cavalcanti

Dr. Sofia Cavalcanti University of Macerata Title of research project Democracy, Governance, Inclusiveness and Trust Research area(s) Museum and heritage studies; decolonization; indigenous heritage; human rights; inclusivity The contemporary global landscape is confronted with a multitude of unprecedented social, economic, technological, environmental and geopolitical challenges. These topics could also be investigated through an examination […]

Radostina Antonova

Dr. Radostina Antonova New Bulgarian University Title of research project Eastern and Western perspectives to the clash between tradition and modernity in child rights paradigm Research area(s) Sociology, Ethnography, Psychology, Social work, Political science, Art The paradigm for human and children’s rights meets very strong resistance in the face of anti-rights movements in both […]

ERUA Open Science Meet-Up: Pitfalls of Open Access and How to Handle Them

On January 25th, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Pitfalls of Open Access and How to Handle Them The Open Access movement has gained significant momentum in recent years. More and more academics publish their papers Open Access; in fact, in some […]

Call for Application – Early Career Researchers

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Call for Application – Early Career Researchers Democracy, Governance, Inclusiveness and Trust The contemporary global landscape is confronted with a multitude of unprecedented social, economic, technological, environmental and geopolitical challenges. These include issues such as migration, climate change emergencies, energy crises, armed conflict, political extremism, the erosion of democratic institutions, protest movements, violence, corruption and […]

ERUA Open Science Christmas Meet-Up: Open Science and Christmas Game

Christmas is almost upon us! On December 14th, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. Let’s continue last year’s tradition of fun Open Science and Christmas Games around Christmas. Bring biscuits and tea! Members of all ERUA universities – and beyond – are invited. No registration required. Contact: Maximilian Heber, […]

Valeria Sergueenkova

Dr. Valeria Sergueenkova New Bulgarian University Title of research project East v West: Geographies and Identities of “The Middle Sea” Research area(s) History; Classics: Geography; Politics; Anthropology; International Relations. What is the role of the Mediterranean Sea in the make-up of cultural and political identity? In prehistorical and Classical times the so-called “Middle Sea” […]

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