Open Science Meet-Up: Open Access Consortia
In many cases, authors have to pay charges for open access text publications – both as far as journal articles and books are concerned. As these expenses can be somewhat challenging, academic institutions keep asking themselves how to deal with these fees. One answer to this question are the so-called Open Access Consortia, i.e. institutions that join forces to the end of covering (partially) their members’ open access publication fees. In this meet-up, Dr. Martina Benz will explain how the KOALA project has pursued consortial solutions, what challenges were encountered on the way and how they were met.
After the presentation, everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss the topic in greater detail. We are looking forward to hearing your experiences with consortia. Members of all ERUA universities – and beyond – are invited. No registration required.
- Dr. Martina Benz, Team Open Science, University of Konstanz
- Maximilian Heber, Team Open Science, University of Konstanz
Find the Zoom link here: https://zoom.us/j/93721356038?pwd=NUI4eDlKVjlkalFCWDNPdjNQcXV5QT09