ERUA Science Cafés

“Bridging the Gap between Science and Society”

The ERUA Alliance is hosting a series of e-Science Café events designed to engage various stakeholders including students, citizens, scientists, community leaders, activists, policy actors, and science enthusiasts, can indeed serve as a starting point for engaging discussions between students, citizens, scientists, community leaders, activists, policy makers, science enthusiasts, and others.

These events serve as a springboard for meaningful discussions with a focus on sustainable campuses and resilient societies – exploring potential solutions for a more sustainable, beautiful, and promising future across 5 key areas:

  • Migration, Exile and Refugees
  • Environmental Transition
  • Democracy & Human Rights, Inclusion & Gender Equality
  • Interculturality, Multilingualism
  • Arts and Edges

By encouraging critical thinking and fostering intercultural dialogue, these e-Science Café events aim to play a significant role in raising awareness and promoting collaborative efforts towards a sustainable future, and achieving social change in campuses, neighbourhoods, communities, societies and regions.

Save the Date!

 1st ERUA e-Science Café, 15:00 CEST September 30, 2024: ERUA’s regional impact – The Role of Universities in Integrating Migrants into Local Communities

Register via Zoom!


Sep 30 2024


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