Call for Participation: The Covid-19 Pandemic and the War against Ukraine: Challenges to Reason
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the seminar Challenges to Reason where we will discuss the Covid-19 pandemic and the war Russia waged against Ukraine. Researchers from the ERUA member universities will share their expertise in debating these most acute crises our societies have faced since 1989.
Covid-19 and Russia’s horrendous invasion of the sovereign country of Ukraine present all social sciences and the humanities with questions of enormous difficulty. These events indicate some deeper tectonic transformations of our societies at different levels. More precise diagnoses of these events are yet to be developed. This is not an easy task. As social scientists, though, we are called upon to mobilize and bring together resources of various disciplines in a more decisive attempt to understand the multilayered changes that are to have a long-term impact on our lives.
Application Deadline: 15.05. 2022
You can send your applications directly to Prof. Vatsov at dvatsov@gmail.com and to Mrs. Irena Dimitrova at idimitrova@nbu.bg
Learn more here: https://erua-eui.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ERUA_Call_Sozopol-Seminar.pdf