New Bulgarian University

“Always new, always different, NBU will surprise you with even more detailed information, unexpected connections, references to events, documents and links, dynamic layout and messages designed to provoke.”

Professor D. Sc. Plamen Doynov
Rector, New Bulgarian University

We are New Bulgarian University, the one of the youngest universities in Bulgaria. NBU was established in 1991 and became the first University in Bulgaria of a credit system, Professional Bachelor’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degrees; interdisciplinary programmes and computer-aided forms of training; continuing education; electronic enrolment.
NBU provides a liberal arts education in which the acquisition of knowledge and professional skills is integrated with spiritual and ethical values.
Our motto, “Ne varietatem timeamus”, was created by Professor Bogdan Bogdanov, the founder of the university, and can be translated from Latin as “Let us not fear diversity”. The motto is embedded into NBU’s mission statement, educational policy, research and every aspect of the academic life.

What does being part of ERUA mean for us?

  • To actively participate in the creation of a modern image of education, together with universities with which we share common values and a common path of development
  • To be part of an environment where students, researchers and all those involved in academic life together discover new opportunities for development
  • To participate in the creation of a new vision for talent development in various areas of life
  • To open up new development opportunities for students, researchers and administration
  • Actively participate in creating a network of people and organizations that share knowledge and experience
  • To develop the university as a place for innovation, research and entrepreneurship

What are our research priorities?

NBU prepares graduates for opportunities in the business and professional world in the following subject areas:

  • Humanities;
  • Social Sciences;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Modern Technologies;
  • The Arts.

What are we known for?

NBU is a research and creative center for ideas, projects and technologies, directed both to its own development and to the deeds of the social development at present and in the future;

NBU has a strong public presence to disseminate its achievements, to promote a positive and creative image and to enhance the university’s ranking nationally and internationally;

NBU has a campus with a well-developed infrastructure and a high standard of facilities to provide an academic environment.

Where are we located?

New Bulgarian University is located in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria and one of the oldest cities in Europe.

NBU’s campus is in the western part of Bulgaria, in the very center of the Balkans, in a valley at the foot of Vitosha mountain.

Who are our international partners?

New Bulgarian University is a member of a number of a national and international associations and companies, including European University Association (EUA), European Association for International Education (EAIE), L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Institute for International Education (IIT), International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), European Consortium for Political Studies, International PR Association (IPRA), European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance (EASTAP), European League of and the Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE), etc.

New Bulgarian University has institutional agreements and contracts with universities and educational institutions in Europe, America, Asia, Australia, under which student and teaching mobilities have been realized and joint study and research projects and programmes have been developed.

Bachelor Students
Master's Students
International Students
PhD Students
Full-time Academic Staff
Part-time Academic Staff
Technical and Administrative Staff



All Images are Copyrighted to New Bulgarian University

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them