Open Science Meet-Up: Publishing Open Access Journals with Open Journal Systems (OJS)

On March 20th, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), the next Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Publishing Open Access Journals with Open Journal Systems (OJS)

Open Access Journals have become a highly relevant format of publishing across a wide range of academic disciplines. However, surprisingly few people seem to know that, with Open Journal Systems (OJS), there a low-threshold way of publishing Open Access Journals. In this Meet-Up, Mattias Rieloff, staff member of the Open Science-related research support at Linnaeus University, will provide a general introduction to OJS. After that, he will provide a range of exemplary cases by showing how OJS is employed at Linneaus University. After the talk, we are eager to respond to any questions you may have and to hear about your experiences with OJS. Everyone is invited – no registration required.


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