2nd Science Café “Collaborative Research for Regional Sustainability”

Join us online for the 2nd Science Café: “Collaborative Research for Regional Sustainability” on Monday, March 10, 2025, from 13:00 to 14:30 CET!

The ERUA community invites researchers, policymakers, local stakeholders and community leaders to join in a collaborative online dialogue on sustainable development across multiple regions. This event aims to bridge the gap between research and societal needs by fostering cooperation between researchers and regional communities. Our goal is to gather perspectives from local stakeholders on sustainability needs within their respective regions and define priority areas for future research initiatives within the ERUA Science Shop.

Speakers – Panellists

  • Ioannis Katsounis, Researcher at the University of the Aegean,
    “Insights into regional progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by presenting key research findings on relevant indicators studied by ERUA.”
  • Vilma Popovienė, Managing Director of Lithuanian Social Innovation Cluster, “Role of Social Innovations in Lithuania Societal Development.”
  • George Strogylopoulos, Innovation Policy Expert, “Pressing environmental sustainability challenges and potential solutions tailored to diverse regional contexts identified by ERUA.”
  • Ruby van der Wekken, Member of RIPESS, “Solidarity Economy Building/ RIPESS-The intercontinental network for the promotion of social solidarity economy: members, values, and actions.”
  • (TBC) “Participatory research tools such as ERUA research clusters to engage stakeholders in co-creating solutions.”



  • Nomeda Gudelienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Advisor to Deputy Rector on Sustainable Development, HR Management Centre

Registration: https://erua.aegean.gr/sciencecafe/zoomlink

Date: Monday 10th of March, 2025
13:00 – 14:30 CET

Why participate?

This event acts as a learning platform and participants simultaneously learn from ERUA and shape ERUA’s future research agenda, by ensuring that key regional sustainability challenges are addressed accompanied with feasible solutions. Through the discussion, attendees can exchange ideas alongside researchers, policymakers, local stakeholders and community leaders to co-develop innovative ideas tackling pressing environmental and social issues. Insights gathered will enrich future ERUA initiatives, affecting long-term impact and regional transformation.

Who Can Attend?

We welcome participants from across all regions to take part in the discussion.

  • ERUA & Associated partners
  • Local government representatives
  • Business and industry leaders
  • NGOs and civil society organizations
  • Researchers & students
  • Community members interested in sustainability

What are ERUA Science Cafes?

The European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) is hosting a series of online Science Café events, designed to engage various stakeholders, including students, citizens, scientists, community leaders, activists, policy actors, and science enthusiasts. These events serve as a starting point for engaging discussions among these diverse groups.

The Science Café events are a springboard for meaningful discussions with a focus on sustainable campuses and resilient societies, exploring potential solutions for a more sustainable, inclusive, and promising future across five key areas:

  • Migration, Exile and Refugees
  • Environmental Transition
  • Democracy & Human Rights, Inclusion & Gender Equality
  • Interculturality, Multilingualism
  • Arts and Edges

By encouraging critical thinking and fostering intercultural dialogue, these events aim to raise awareness and promote collaborative efforts towards a sustainable future. They also strive to bring about social change within campuses, neighbourhoods, communities, societies, and regions.

For more info and frequent updates, please visit the website: https://erua.aegean.gr/sciencecafe/

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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