On February 12th, between 14.00 and 14.45 (CET), we warmly invite you to our Open Science Meet-Up. The topic is: Organising and Advancing Research Data Management in Federal Germany
(Higher) education in Germany is very federal, i.e. each of Germany’s sixteen federal states (Bundesländer) provides their own eduction system. This has an impact on how research data management (RDM) is organised and advanced in Germany – apart from the national research data infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, NFDI), there is a range of federal state initiatives to organise and advance RDM. In this meet-up, Sophie Habinger, project coordinator of bwFDM, the federal state initiative for research data management in Baden-Württemberg, will give an overview of which federal state initiaties there are and how they fit into the German RDM landscape. After that, she will elaborate on the exemplary case of bwFDM, showcasing this initiative’s agenda and its offerings. After the talk, we are looking forward to answering any questions you may have. Apart from that, we are eager to hear how RDM is organised in your countries. Everyone is invited – no registration required.
– Dr. Sophie Habinger und Maximilian Heber, Team Open Science, University of Konstanz
Further information and link to Zoom room: https://www.kim.uni-konstanz.de/en/international-office/partnerschaften-und-netzwerke/european-reform-university-alliance-erua/angebote/open-science-meet-ups/