ERUA Intensive course: “Media in post-communist Europe”

19 – 22 November 2024

Sofia, Bulgaria


Between the 19th and 22nd of November New Bulgarian University will conduct and intensive course “Media in post-communist Europe”. The course is in the fields of Journalism and communication, will take place on site at NBU, Sofia, Bulgaria, and will be taught in English.

The course outlines the transition of media systems in post-communist European countries and their shift from the communist ideology to the democratic one throughout the late 1980s- early 1990s. The current state of the media in these countries is analyzed, using a comparative approach, based on the Hallin and Mancini classification of media systems.

The first module of the course is devoted to the transition from communist media logic to a democratic one. The focus is not only on Balkan states, but also on those beyond the European Union. The second module includes information about the current media landscape in post-communist countries and their specific characteristics.

At the end of the intensive course, students are given an assignment, which presumes conducting brief research about a post-communist country’s media system (students choose one state) and presenting it in the form of an interactive media product.

Previous basic knowledge about 20th century European history. Students from all disciplines may join the course. A journalism or communication background would be considered an advantage.

Who can apply:

We are looking for 10 BA Students from ERUA Universities in interested in the topics related to media, communism, propaganda and modern media landscape.

The deadline for the application is October 20, 2024. If you are interested in enrolling, please send an e-mail to Diana Kulchitskaya at

Dates: from November 19th to November 22nd, 2024 

Place: New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

Preliminary schedule:

November 19, 2024 (on-site)

10:00-13:30 – Mass media systems in the process of transition from communist to democratic regimes: comparative media studies’ approach (Lectures and discussions)

14:30-17:00 – Democratic transition in the context of media logic (Lecture and discussion of the practical assignment)

November 20, 2024 (on-site)

10:00-13:30 – Eastern-European countries in the process of media reforms. Current media landscape in post-communist states (Lecture and group discussion)

November 21, 2024 (on-site)

10:30-13:00 – Working in groups on the project

14:00-17:30 – Finalizing the project

November 22, 2024 (on-site)

10:00-13:00 – Presenting the projects and getting feedback from the lecturer


Funding: ERUA students can receive travel and accommodation funding from their home universities.


Discipline: Journalism and communication
Period: Between the 19th and 22nd of November
Number of ERUA Students: 10 BA
Language: English
Application Deadline: October 20, 2024