Early career researchers fellowship at the European University Viadrina

We are pleased to announce a short-term fellowship opportunity for early career researchers from universities affiliated with the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA). The fellowship offers a one-month research stay at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, during the period from October to December 2024.


This program is specifically designed to support doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in advancing their academic careers and fostering international collaboration. It provides financial support, including a living allowance of €1000 and a mobility allowance of up to €400. Candidates staying in November can also participate in the ERUA Research Week from 11. November to 15.


Important: The application deadline is October 1, 2024. Given the short time frame, we kindly ask for your prompt assistance in forwarding this announcement to potential candidates and encouraging them to apply. It would be very much appreciated if you could disseminate the information among doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers from your universities and associated partners in the ERUA alliance who focus on one of the ERUA research areas.


For more details, please refer to the Program_Viadrina_ERUA. We look forward to receiving applications from your institution.


For further information, please contact Sara Bonin, DAAD ERUA Coordinator, European University Viadrina: bonin@europa-uni.de