Αn ERUA 2 event dedicated to ARTS & EDGES

Αn ERUA 2 event dedicated to ARTS & EDGES

Ιs organized in the frame of the 3rd International Biennale of Practical Philosophy, 19-23 of April 2024, in order to give the opportunity to the partners’ universities to prepare the forthcoming online Biennale of 2025 Arts and Edges: from theory to research experimentations on the basis of the Work Package 5:” Achieving Social Change in ERUA’s Local Communities and Regions/Interactive Engagement Events with Knowledge communities”, led by UAegean.

For more information about see here: http://biennale-practphil.aegean.gr/en/biennale24/biennale_2024/erua-ii

The International Biennales of Practical Philosophy solicit interest from an intercultural community of researchers who are attracted by the question about the practical intensity of philosophy and its aspects, particularly from the point of view of its intersection with other fields, other activities and practices, other forms of thinking, praxis, expression.

These Biennales aspire ab initio to be an original attempt, the establishment of a particular polyphonic philosophical event with intercultural, interdisciplinary character and progressively more open to the organization of experimental artistic acts and the development of philosophical and cultural practices in town. They attempt to be revealed as a pole of attraction for the research about the concept and praxis of Practical Philosophy, the ways in which this one is possible to be connected and interwoven with arts and different scientific fields, with the numerous and various practices and forms through which the philosophical condition is, often irregularly and strangely, transferred, moved, grafted, cultivated, transformed, grafted.

The Biennales of Practical Philosophy are organized by the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) of the University of the Aegean and bring together philosophers, academicians, researchers, artists, professionals, who will have the possibility to present and develop their particular approach, to converse and interact bringing the Practical Philosophy into the foreground, leading it to think again, persistently and with different ways, its limits, forms, acts, persons and spaces.

When: April 19-23, 2024
How: In person
Where: Island of Rhodes, Greece
Website: http://biennale-practphil.aegean.gr/en/biennale24/biennale_2024
Deadlines & FAQ’s: http://biennale-practphil.aegean.gr/en/biennale24/biennale_2024/faqs
Proposal Submission Form: http://biennale-practphil.aegean.gr/en/biennale24/abstract_submission_biennale_2024
Registration: http://biennale-practphil.aegean.gr/en/biennale24/biennale_2024/registration

Contact: lab-prapl-ph@aegean.gr, Elena Theodoropoulou: theod@rhodes.aegean.gr