The Second European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Summit

On November 7, 8 and 9, 2022, the Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis hosted the second European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Summit, which brought together approximately 150 participants from France, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy and Spain.
This was the first time since the project started in November 2020 that the ERUA community had the opportunity to meet in person. Being able to chat or have a coffee with colleagues from partner universities without the interface of a screen or the time limit of a zoom lens allowed us to build professional but, above all, human relationships. It strengthened collaboration and trust and allowed us to express our creativity freely.
It was also an opportunity to welcome the new ERUA partners: SWPS University, University of Macerata, Viadrina University and Las Palmas University of Gran Canaria. Their energy and enthusiasm have been invaluable in renewing our motivation and engaging us further in this ambitious project.
Strategic and operational meetings, scientific workshops and moments of conviviality followed one another during three rich and intense days.
Students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff came together to discuss innovation and reform in higher education and research, sharing their expertise on key issues, such as defining an alternative concept of excellence for research, sustainable development, innovative teaching and learning, open science and interculturality.

This Summit was a concrete expression of the ERUA spirit. It allowed us to generate new ideas to build the future of our European University as a more human, inclusive and participatory university.
We hope this was an opportunity for you to learn more about ERUA and its opportunities and to network with colleagues who share your interests and passions for developing new international research and education initiatives.
We look forward to seeing you soon at one of the many ERUA initiatives and certainly at the next Summit in Roskilde in fall 2023.


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