Joint Winter/Summer Schools

Learning Opportunities for Students

August 29 to September 4, 2024

Sopot, Poland

SWPS University invites you to the European Summer School on the Rule of Law, which will take place from August 29 to September 4, 2024 in Sopot, Poland. The theme for this year’s event is “What is the EU? Analysis of the relevance of Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union: An exchange of experiences”. This program is part of teaching initiatives of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) and receives funding from the European Union, the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), and the Economic Freedom Foundation.


The summer school is designed to bring together students and young scholars from the European Union as well as its Eastern and Southern neighbours. The aim is to foster discussions and deepen understanding of the EU’s foundational principles through diverse perspectives. The week-long event will cover fundamental EU values including Pluralism, Equality, Justice, Solidarity, Tolerance, and Non-discrimination. Each day will focus on one of these principles, explored through a series of lectures, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Esteemed scholars such as Professor Adam Bodnar, Professor Klaus Bachmann, and Professor Assaf Meydani have been invited to contribute to the academic sessions.


In addition to the academic sessions, the program includes cultural activities aimed at enriching the participants’ experience. These will include film screenings relevant to the themes, guided museum tours, and visits to historical sites, especially significant in the context of the anniversaries being commemorated during the program dates — namely, the legacy of the Solidarity movement and the outbreak of World War II. These commemorations are timely, reflecting on history as discussions of conflict re-emerge in Europe and beyond.

Application Details:

  • Who Can Apply? Up to 2 students from each ERUA university are eligible to apply.
  • Program Dates: August 29 to September 4, 2024
  • Location: SWPS University, Sopot Campus
  • How to Apply: Interested candidates should fill out the application form by the end of the day on July 14. Selections will be announced by July 26:

  • Cost: participation is free of charge to students of ERUA universities
  • Support: ERUA students may receive funding for travel and accommodation expenses from their home universities.

Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us at

25th to 30th of August 2024

Sliven, Bulgaria

Between the 25th and the 30th of August, New Bulgarian University offers a Summer School of Anthropology. The school will take place in the old and beautiful Bulgarian town Sliven.

The Summer School of Anthropology, now in its 21st year, offers interdisciplinary field research training. This year, it is hosted jointly by the NBU departments of Anthropology, Design, and Fine Arts, with support of the Sliven Regional Historical Museum.

The School welcomes students from social sciences and arts backgroundsproviding initial training in research project development and fieldwork. Its goal is to uncover interdisciplinary connections and shared challenges.

Students will engage in commented museum and gallery visits, lectures, and discussions, fostering critical thinking and individual problematization. They will delve into cultural heritage themes, with a focus this year on transformation in spatiality across different historical periods: Middle Ages, Bulgarian National Revival and modern times. The place in which the Summer School is taking place is ideal for these tasks. The origin of the town of Sliven is associated with the ancient fortress “Tuida” – an archaeological monument that testifies to the life and culture of the local population during the Middle Ages. The process of Bulgarian industrialization began with the establishment of textile factory production in Sliven in 1834. This moment is significant for both the city and the state, as it represents the step towards modernity and economic development – marking the post-Ottoman period. The city became an industrial centre and retains this function and importance to this day.

The school highlights Sliven’s textile industry and its role in shaping the city’s identity. You can uncover them in individual narratives and through the practices of tradition preservation, as well as in the official narrative and tourism. The only museum of textile industry in Bulgaria is in Sliven. Its exposition traces the development of textile crafts from 9,000 years ago to today. Students will attend demonstrations of twentieth century industrial textile machinery. Alongside textiles, participants explore other industries, examining their historical significance and contemporary relevance. Glass production will be of increased interest to the school participants looking for the connection between past, present and future. What is the place of this key industry that prospered in the past but lost its importance during the post-communist transition and in the context of globalization? The decline of the glass factory led to a dispersion of human capital, which today can be observed in small enterprises for glass production and in local trade.

The observations of the participants will centre on how Sliven’s urban landscape represents and reinterprets its past, fostering reflection on the city’s evolving historical narratives and memory construction. Some of the other observe questions are: how has the city transformed in consequence of the national emancipation (1878), the political transitions (1944 and 1990), the economic crises (1990s-2000s), and in the era of globalization? What factors turn certain places into sites of oblivion or “memory spaces”? What insights do local stories and urban/museum spaces offer? And what is the relation between individual and societal narratives?

A preparatory seminar will precede the summer school, addressing key research issues. The Course is looking for 10 Bachelor/Masters and PhD students from social sciences, humanities and the arts coming from ERUA Universities and will assign 9 ECTS.

Dates: from August 25th to August 30th, 2024 

Place: Sliven, Bulgaria.

Funding: ERUA students can receive travel and accommodation funding from their home universities. Please contact your local ERUA coordinator on that topic.

If you are interested, please apply by sending an email to Slavena Nikolova at, no later than the 3rd of July 2024

26th to 30th of August 2024

Samos Island, Greece


Between the 26th and 30th of August, the University of the Aegean organizes the 11th International Summer School on Digital Government – OpenGov2024, on the stunning island of Samos.

This year’s focus is on Technologies and Applications for Government 3.0, an evolving and multifaceted domain that presents both challenges and opportunities. Organized by the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, OpenGov2024 offers a unique platform for participants to engage with leading experts and researchers in the field of ICT-enabled Governance. Attendees will have the chance to enhance their skills in policy modelling, information management, and explore disruptive technologies in governance.

We have reserved 5 spots for ERUA participants.

Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the future of digital government and shape the next generation of governance. Register now for OpenGov2024!

Dates: from August 26th to August 30th, 2024 

Place: Samos, Greece/University of the Aegean

Funding: ERUA students can receive travel and accommodation funding from their home universities. Please contact your local ERUA office at your university for more information.

If you are interested, fill out the application form no later than the 10th of August 2024, at the following link:

1st to 5th of July 2024

Samos Island, Greece


Between the 1st and the 5th of July, the University of the Aegean organizes the 12th “International School on Digital Innovation and Startup Entrepreneurship” – DigiBus2024.

Organized The Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering of the University of the Aegean this Summer School offers an introduction to the world of start-ups and multi-channel marketing and will provide the participants with the advanced technical skills needed to identify, engage, and develop relationships with customers in a digital environment. Participants will learn how to develop digital “painkillers” and at the same time increase their online business visibility and conversion rates, thanks to modern growth-hacking marketing strategies.

DigiBus2024 is targeting digital entrepreneurs and marketers who aspire to enhance their skills and stay informed about state-of-the-art practices. Engage with professionals eager to share their knowledge and experiences, providing invaluable insights to elevate your digital journey. We have reserved 5 spots for ERUA participants.

Dates: from July 1st to July 5th, 2024 

Place: Samos, Greece/University of the Aegean

Funding: ERUA students can receive travel and accommodation funding from their home universities. Please contact your local ERUA office at your university for more information.

If you are interested, fill out the application form no later than the 15th of June2024, at the following link:

5-13 July 2024

Samos Island, Greece


Between the 5th and the 13th of July, the University of the Aegean organises a Summer School on Rheology. Join us in the picturesque town of Karlovassi, Samos, Greece, for the RheoSamos2024, and explore the fascinating realms of rheology and fluid mechanics.

Organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean in collaboration with the Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR), the Summer School offers a rich program featuring six short courses, two seminars, invited lectures, a poster session, and a select number of oral presentations. Dive into theoretical, computational, and experimental aspects of rheology and fluid mechanics, and interact with world-leading experts in the field.

We are looking for eight ERUA M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, post-docs, scientists, and engineers passionate about or conducting research in rheology and fluid mechanics.

Dates: from July 5th to July 13th, 2024

Place: Karlovassi, Samos, Greece/University of the Aegean

Funding: ERUA students can receive travel and accommodation funding from their home universities.

If you are interested, please submit your abstracts no later than the 12th of May at the following email: with “RheoSamos2024-abstract” in the subject line. More details on the submission process you can find at the following link:

The notification of acceptance will be delivered on the 15th of May.

For more information, visit:

three round white wooden tables

Interdisciplinary Summer School open to Bachelor and Master students of all fields at Lake Constance

23rd of July – 4th of August 2023, University of Konstanz

  • interactive, interdisciplinary courses taught in English
  • 3/5 ECTS
  • including fun network opportunities such as BBQ at the lake, boat cruise, open air cinema, visit of Germany’s oldest castle
  • ERUA student? Get Mobility Funding for Travel & Accomodation Costs!

Do you want to engage with current events and societal challenges in Europe?

Do you want to learn how to turn your research field into innovative projects and social business ideas?

Join the 1st international ERUA Summer School “Innovation and Social Engagement for Europe” at the beautiful setting of Lake Constance!

This interdisciplinary, international Summer School gives students the possibility to get inspired by innovative research projects and scientific approaches to current societal challenges in Europe and to develop their own social engagement. The broad range of interactive courses taught in English also offers insights in topics such as “Social Entrepreneurship” and “Business Modelling” so that students can learn how to transform their studies and individual skill sets into social business ideas.

Aside from the courses and workshops, there will be a rich cultural and social program including a city tour, excursions, a boat cruise, a BBQ at the lake and many fun networking activities which will make this Summer School one unique experience for you!

More information and the online application can be found here:

Application Deadline EXTENDED: APPLY online or send direct email to

The ERUA Media, Culture & Communication Summer School will be taking place at Paris 8 University’s St Denis campus, from July 4th – July 6th 2023.

It will bring together approximately 25 PhD students and 6 to 7 professor-researchers from the field of information and communication science / media & cultural studies (or related specialisations in sociology, aesthetics and philosophy).

The first edition of the summer school is articulated around the broad concept of the ‘good life’ and it aims to produce a reflexive knowledge of the ways in which our research topics and practices address contemporary issues related to digital communications, in the light of this general theme.

The summer school aims to offer a relaxed, benevolent and thought-provoking environment; acommitment to critical and participatory teaching methods, allowing doctoral students to improve their skills, researchers to reflect on their experiences and, for all participants, to share ideas and experiences with their peers. Its ambition is to create new research networks on a European scale from a space that is less formal and restricted than a classic seminar, and more durable than a scientific conference.

ERUA students will receive travelling and accommodation funding from the Paris 8 University!

Language: English – Application deadline: 24 April

Apply here

Advertising Academy is a tripartite project of New Bulgarian University, the Bulgarian Association of Advertisers and the Bulgarian Association of Communication Agencies with participation of more than 300 students (both bachelor and master level) who work in teams under the mentorship of representatives of advertisers and advertising agencies from over 50 brands from Bulgaria and the world. This is the 10th edition of the initiative.

Advertising Academy gives real knowledge and skills to students of the advertising and communication studies. What’s more, it introduces participants to the advertiser-advertising agency relationship in a fun and useful format, taking them through all the steps of developing an advertising strategy – from the brief, through brainstorming and planning, to creating real creative products.

Advertising Academy runs for 5 days, from 13 to 17 February 2023. The first day is dedicated to lectures and introduction to the business cases the students work on. The next days are for practical work. The students are divided into teams, which include students from different disciplines – advertising, design, PR, marketing, entrepreneurship, media, music, cinema, animation, visual arts, theatre, photography, etc. They create an overall communication strategy and creative products. On the fourth day, the projects are presented to a jury of creative directors and brand managers. The last day is for feedback, networking and….awards.

Full information is available here:

Duration: 5 days

Interdisciplinary Winter School for Master students

The next Winter School will take place from February 24th to March 3rd 2023 at the University of Konstanz.

The ERUA Winter School “European Identities” is designed for Master students of all disciplines who seek to learn about discourses regarding transnational concepts and perspectives on European identities. This year’s focus will be on “Migration” in Europe. In an interdisciplinary seminar, workshops and group projects, participants will receive an overview of the political, historical, economic and cultural framework of European integration and discuss challenges the European society is facing today.

Aside from the courses and workshops, there will be a rich cultural and social program including a city tour, excursions, a film screening, traditional German dinner and many fun activities which will make this Winter School a unique experience for you!

ERUA students can receive travelling and accommodation funding from their home universities!

Language: English Credits: 3 ECTS Application Deadline: December, 16.2022



ERUA Students

Course Fee = no costs

Social Program (city tour, trips, film screening, goodbye-dinner etc.) = 30 €

Accommodation in Konstanz (optional): 294 € for 7 nights (in shared 2 bedroom hotel room with private bath, breakfast & bus ticket)

Apply here!

For further questions please contact:

person using laptop

The 10th International Summer School on Digital Innovation and Startup Entrepreneurship – eBiz2022 is designed to introduce attendees to the world of start-ups and multi-channel marketing and provide them with the advanced technical skills needed to identify, engage, and develop relationships with customers in a digital environment.

For more information:

Duration: 5 days

bird's-eye view of sitting on bench while discussion

Opengov2022 provides a unique opportunity for participants to interact with internationally acclaimed scientists and researchers in the domain of ICT-enabled Governance, to develop their skills in the areas of policy modelling, information management, social media in governance and more.

For more information:

Duration: 4 days

barbed wire

MIGRIMAGE (Images of Migration on the Southern Border) is an Erasmus Plus Project that undertakes issues of representation of migration on the European southern borders, against racism and discrimination. It consists of a team of three Universities and three NGOs that work on the field and have knowledge and experience on issues of migration.

For more information:

Duration: 24 days

grayscale photo of desk globe

The main objective of the Summer School is the reflection on EU governance, with the democratization of the decision-making process through the cultivation of an institutional, legal, political and social culture.

For more information:

Duration: 6 days

Between the 5th and the 13th of July, the University of the Aegean organises a Summer School on Rheology. Join us in the picturesque town of Karlovassi, Samos, Greece, for the RheoSamos2024, and explore the fascinating realms of rheology and fluid mechanics.

Organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean in collaboration with the Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR), the Summer School offers a rich program featuring six short courses, two seminars, invited lectures, a poster session, and a select number of oral presentations. Dive into theoretical, computational, and experimental aspects of rheology and fluid mechanics, and interact with world-leading experts in the field.

We are looking for eight ERUA M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, post-docs, scientists, and engineers passionate about or conducting research in rheology and fluid mechanics.

Dates: from July 5th to July 13th, 2024

Place: Karlovassi, Samos, Greece/University of the Aegean

Funding: ERUA students can receive travel and accommodation funding from their home universities.

If you are interested, please submit your abstracts no later than the 12th of May at the following email: with “RheoSamos2024-abstract” in the subject line. More details on the submission process you can find at the following link:

The notification of acceptance will be delivered on the 15th of May.

For more information, visit:

The 1st ERUA Winter School European Identities will take place in English at the University of Konstanz from 11 – 18 February 2022. The Winter School is open for up to 30 Master’s degree students of all disciplines to gain 3 Credits.

The ERUA Winter School “European Identities” is designed for Master students who seek to learn about discourses regarding transnational concepts and perspectives on European identities. In an interdisciplinary seminar, workshops and group projects, participants will receive an overview of the political, historical, economic and cultural framework of European integration and discuss challenges the European society is facing, such as the aftermath of the pandemic, political fragmentation and radicalization, immigration, and social inequalities.

ERUA Winter School 2022 at Lake Constance

At the ERUA Winter School, Master students from different backgrounds come together to discuss European Identities from an interdisciplinary perspective at the beautiful setting of Lake Constance. Besides the interactive course-programme, there will be multiple opportunities for students to socialize, explore the surrounding and experience the unique Southern-German culture. Excursions, trips and social events are included in the course fee.


Course Fee without accommodation = 50€
Course Fee with accommodation (twin rooms + breakfast) = 320€*

All fees include courses & workshops, course material, transcript/certificate, excursions/trips/entries, closing-dinner

*IMPORTANT: ERUA students can receive travelling and accommodation funding from their home universities.

SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) restrictions: Participants have to be fully vaccinated or recovered (up to 6 months)

Application opens on the 10th December 2021.

For further questions, please contact Alina Stockloev at


The application process has started. The deadline is 10th of January 2022

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them