ERUA Second Annual Summit

Innovation and reform in the spirit of ERUA

On November 7-9, 2022, Université Paris 8 (Saint Denis, France) will host the 2nd ERUA Summit, bringing together students, teachers, researchers, administrative staff, external stakeholders and policymakers to debate on innovation in Higher Education, share experience and find new ideas to shape the future of our Alliance


7-9 November 2022

Hosted by University Paris 8

Summit Schedule (CET Time)

7 November (Monday)

Internal Meetings

14:00 – 17:00 University Council (including presentation of results of first evaluation step) – Room A3-317

In Parallel:

14:00 – 15:30 Re:ERUA WP3 BoardRoom A2-215

15:30 – 17:00 Re:ERUA WP2 BoardRoom A2-215

8 November (Tuesday)


8:30 – 9:00 Welcome Registration

09:00 – 11:00 Plenary sessionAuditorium MR002

09:00 – 09:10 Welcome speech from ERUA coordinator

09:10 – 09:30 Welcome speech by the Rectors of the Alliance

09:30 – 09:40 Welcome speech from EC

09:40 – 10:20 Why the European Reform University Alliance? – Yves Citton (Paris 8) and Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen (Roskilde University)

10:20 – 11:00 Students, you have the floor!

Watch Video


The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

11:00 – 11:10 Coffee break

11:10 – 12:40 Parallel Workshops

Workshop 1 Delivering Alternative Excellence – Auditorium MR002

Defining Alternative excellence for the Alliance ERUA

This seminar/workshop will aim at defining the Research excellence and how to build an alternative excellence within the Alliance.
This will provide for an introduction into the"Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment" - Published by EUA 07/2022 and will be followed by a discussion on how to build alternative research strategies, policies, and what is the impacts on universities and researchers.
This session would contribute to setting our goals for developing a common scientific strategy in the long run while reinforcing our identity as reform universities.

Moderator: Arnaud Regnauld, Vice - Rector for Research (UP8), Scientific Coordinator of Re:ERUA

Speakers: To be confirmed

Format: Hybrid - Online and in person

Target audience: Researchers, Academics and Students


The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

Workshop 2 “Challenge and Experience your Ideas with ERUAHAUS” – Room A2-201

Challenge and Experience your Ideas with ERUAHAUS

The aim is to give ERUA Students an opportunity to present new ideas and actions that will help campuses, communities, societies and regions collectively solve problems around sustainability challenges, focused on aesthetics as a "critical reflection on art, culture and nature” and bring “Euphoria” to the world.

Moderator: Professor Theodoropoulou Elena, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Student Welfare (UAEGEAN), Local Scientific Coordinator [ERUA- Re:ERUA]

Format: Hybrid - Online and in person

Target audience: Students


The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

12:40 – 14:00 Lunch break

12:40 – 14:00 Artistic performance (Marcela Cibin Ugo – L’impossibilité du gérondif)


The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

14:00 – 15:30 Parallel Workshops

Workshop 3 Who cares about responsible research – and how? – Auditorium MR002

Who cares about responsible research – and why?

Departing from a critique of the current mainstream organisation of universities and responsible research that is extensively market driven and subsequently potentially silencing important knowledge, we wish to re-connects research with society and permits inclusion of marginalised traditions in knowledge making. We argue that an embodied care perspective (e.g. Bellacasa 2017, Gilligan 1991, Butler 1995, Tronto 1993) is a fruitful approach to do so. We invite scientific discussants to present their views and debate with us.

Moderator: Katia DUPRET, Head of Research - Assoc Prof (RUC)

Speakers: To be confirmed

Format: Hybrid - Online and in person

Target audience: Students, Scientists, Scholars


The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

Workshop 4 Developing joint innovative teaching initiatives – Room A2-204

Developing joint innovative teaching initiatives

Two years into the ERUA alliance collaboration, we are still struggling to reach our goal of co-creating 15 innovative join teaching initiatives. Not because it has been difficult to find students who wish to participate, nor because it has been difficult to find teachers, who like the idea. In this workshop we wish to explore the reasons for this difficulty. To do so, we will present and invite to the discussion of some of the challenges and dilemmas, we have come to learn about, as both project-organizers and project-‘doers’.
The challenges as such are diverse. However, so far, they have had less to do with e.g. language barriers or cultural differences, than with organizational barriers; the place of teaching within academia; and overall conditions for Reform-university lines of thinking. The workshop is an invitation to discuss these matters collectively, to seek out positive trajectories for moving forward.

Moderator:Peter Busch-Jensen, Assoc Prof (RUC) & Garbi Schmidt, Prof (RUC)

Speakers: To be confirmed

Format:To be confirmed

Target audience:Students, Scientists, Scholars, Administrative staff



The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break

15:45 – 17:15 Parallel Workshops

Workshop 5 Open Science Live Meet-Up – Room A2-201

1st ERUA Open Science Live Meet-Up: The Open Science Community – Perspectives, Approaches and Outlook

After eight sucessful virtual instalments, the ERUA Open Science Meet-Ups go live at the November 2022 ERUA Summit in Paris! Given that this will be the first time a meet-up takes place with an on-site community, we decided to dedicate this session to ourselves: The Open Science Community. To get there, Max Heber and Goran Sekulovski will briefly introduce what the term Open Science encompasses for all those who may be new to the topic. They shall also shed light on why it is a good idea to perform Open Science, along the lines of responsible research. After that, we will look together at which different ties there are that connect us with Open Science and what that indicates about the Open Science Community (or Communities?). Finally, we will look at how we will be able to pursue individual community-related matters further in the contexts of the subsequent virtual meet-ups.

Moderators: Maximilian Heber, Member of the Open Science Team (UKON), Goran Sekulovski, Head of Research Data (UP8)

Format: In Person at UP8

Target audience: Students, Scientists, Scholars, Administrative staff

Workshop 6 Intercultural Training in Higher Education: Opportunities and Limits – Room A2-204

Intercultural Competence - Chances and challenges

In the interactive workshop we will discuss together basics of intercultural competences - why are they so important and what do they actually mean? What is an effective and sustainable training and where are the limits? How can you improve your (own) intercultural competence? How does cooperation succeed in cross-cultural teams? Why are intercultural competences increasingly important at universities? Let's celebrate diversity together!

Moderator: Agnieszka Vojta, Intercultural Trainer/Coordinator Central- and Eastern Europe (UKON)

Format: In Person at UP8

Target audience: Students, Scientists, Scholars, Administrative staff

15:45 – 17:15 Discussion of evaluation experts with WP1 and WP6 Room A2-215

17:15 – 17:30 Break

17:30 – 18:15 Closing session followed by a Cocktail & Artistic performanceAuditorium MR002

Watch Video


The event will start on Nov 8th, please refer to the summit programme.

9 November (Wednesday)

Internal Meetings

9:00 – 10:30 Discussion of evaluation experts with WP2, 3, 4, 5: WP leaders plus WP members present at the Summit – Room A2-201

10:30-12:30: Advisory board (including presentation of results of first evaluation step) – Room A2-201

In parallel:

10:00 – 12:00 Scientific CouncilRoom A3-317

10:30 – 12:00 Re:ERUA WP5 BoardRoom A2-215

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00-14:30: Internal meeting of evaluation groupRoom A2-201

14:30 – 16:30 Participatory Body (including discussion with evaluation experts) – Room A3-317

14:30 –17:30: Joint Executive Committee ERUA/Re:ERUA Room A2-201

15:30-16:30: Internal meeting of evaluation groupRoom A2-201

Ready to Attend?

A très bientôt! До скоро! Hasta luego! A presto! Bis bald! Vi ses snart! Τα λέμε σύντομα! Do zobaczenia wkrótce!

The deadline for registration expired on October 25, 2022

Some of the summit events will be held in hybrid format. You can register for the online events here:

For further information, please contact


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