Exploring Societal Engagement

The aim of this working group is to exploring Societal Engagement within ERUA and foster the engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) of all sectors’ organizations and citizens through good governance, mutual learning, agreed practices and multi-actor and public engagement initiatives in research and innovation.

We explore fellow researchers’ ideas and practices within collaborative research projects.

Coordinator : Roskilde University Katia Dupret – katia@ruc.dk

Mapping of initiatives relating to innovation and societal engagement

This report is a research-based deliverable in Re:ERUA project aiming to foster societal engagement though Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) within the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA). Taking the inspiration from existing EU guidelines and the field of RRI, while focusing also on societal engagement and social innovation, it is contributing to the aim of ‘Science with and for Society’ objective of the European Commissions’ Horizon 2020 program.

Catalogue of approaches in social innovation and co-creation

How can academic research engage society? How do researchers understand and strive for social impact through engaging society in their research projects? To explore these questions, we undertook a mapping of collaborative research projects across five ERUA alliance Universities. These projects reflect a great diversity of collaboration formats as well as thoughts about how researchers themselves understand what collaborating with society entails

Collaborative experiments : Research – external stakeholder collaboration

Three collaborative experiments has been launched in 2022 and 2023 to analyse the collaborating processes with external stakeholders.

  1. explore sites of potential collaboration where new forms of responsible research focusing on societal engagement and innovation can take place.
  2. describe already pioneering projects of responsible research for RE:ERUA in order to potentially scale its methodologies to the entire alliance.
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