Open Science Information Portals

On June 22nd, between 14:00 and 14:45 (CET), the next ERUA Open Science Meet-Up will take place on Zoom. The topic is: Open Science Information Portals.

To those who are new to the field, the vastness of Open Science can be somewhat intimidating. Along similar lines, there is a dire need for information – not only from the part of new open science professionals, but also from the part of researchers who, among other things, would like to publish texts open access or be introduced to the principles of research data management. Besides seeing (more experienced) open science professionals, the most intuitive way is to read up on topics independently – but where?

The University of Konstanz is a driving force behind two of the seminal open science information platforms – (on open access publishing in Germany) and (on research data management in the German-speaking countries). In this meet-up, Max Heber and Andreas Kirchner will give an introduction to these portals and present their main structural set-up.

After these introductions, we are eager to hear your thoughts and to find out whether there are comparable portals – or portals on other subtopics of open science – in your home countries. Members from all ERUA universities – and beyond – are invited. No registration is required.



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