Introduction to cultural studies: bodies in cinema

turned on projector

This class is an introduction to Cultural Studies and their application to visual film practice through an analysis of the staging of the bodies. The class is taught entirely in English. Students will need to submit a written assignment in English. Duration: 4 days

Art in public spaces

blue, black, and orange abstract painting

In this course students will have the chance to study the relationship between artworks and their environment. Starting from the observation of historic and contemporary works – ranging from monuments to street art- we will question the different forms of dialogue between art and public space, including  their urban, cultural and political context. Students are […]

Comedy in American Film and Media (1900 – 1950)

red cinema chair

We will study the history of comedy in the United States from a perspective that is at once aesthetic, cultural, and institutional. Examples of early cinema, slapstick comedy, and musicals will help to examine the role of gag, character, and narrative in both short and feature films. The circulation of jokes, performers, and comic routines […]

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