ERUA PhD Media, Culture & Communication Summer School

The ERUA Media, Culture & Communication Summer School will be taking place at Paris 8 University’s St Denis campus, from July 4th – July 6th 2023.

It will bring together approximately 25 PhD students and 6 to 7 professor-researchers from the field of information and communication science / media & cultural studies (or related specialisations in sociology, aesthetics and philosophy).

The first edition of the summer school is articulated around the broad concept of the ‘good life’ and it aims to produce a reflexive knowledge of the ways in which our research topics and practices address contemporary issues related to digital communications, in the light of this general theme.

The summer school aims to offer a relaxed, benevolent and thought-provoking environment; acommitment to critical and participatory teaching methods, allowing doctoral students to improve their skills, researchers to reflect on their experiences and, for all participants, to share ideas and experiences with their peers. Its ambition is to create new research networks on a European scale from a space that is less formal and restricted than a classic seminar, and more durable than a scientific conference.

ERUA students will receive travelling and accommodation funding from the Paris 8 University!

Language: English – Application deadline: 24 April

Apply here

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